General Info & Getting Started Page

The very first step is to change your domains dns to the name servers you received in your welcome email. Note: If you purchased your domain from us we will do this step for you. If you didn't purchase it from us and need more information please read this.

After your dns changes have been made please allow 24-48 for your dns to propagate worldwide. During this initial 24-48 hours your site will be working one minute then be offline the next. If after two days your site is still not working contact us ASAP.

*NOTE: By default you have no email address setup. The main username may look like it's a setup email, but if you wish to use it you will need to add it as an email account.

Uploading to your site

You can begin uploading to your account now by using an FTP client or cPanel's File Manager. If you are using an FTP client, input your site's ip address in the "host address" field. Once your FTP client is connected, go into the "public_html" folder and begin uploading your site files. To replace the default place holder page you must upload an index.html in all lowercase lettering.

Control Panel And Important Links

Note: "" should be your site's IP address until your dns has proprogated.

  • Your control panel is located at http://yourip/cpanel  or after proprogation,
  • Your webmail is located at  (won't work for first 24-48 hours)
  • You can view your site before the dns has proprogated at http://iphere/~usernamehere/
    Note: Don't forget the trailing / and the ~
  • Everywhere it says youriphere put YOUR IP FROM WELCOME EMAIL. Example http://99.99.999.9/cpanel This is an example do not actually put 99.99.999.9 since this is not the ip in your email.

Support Guidelines

If you have any questions, please check out the following resources before contacting us:

  1. Frequently Asked Questions
  2. Online Community
  3. Knowledgebase

When to use ticket support:

The quickest and best way to get all problems solved and more complicated questions answered is by using our Support Ticket system. After submitting the ticket, you will get a ticket number e-mailed back to you. If you do not get a ticket number, we did not get your e-mail. The reason ticket support is best for solving problems and answering questions is because your ticket is escalated up the food chain until your problem is solved or question is answered.  Most tickets can be dealt with quickly. If it is a complicated problem, it will take longer as it is moved up to higher level technicians. If you're ever unhappy with a response or need more help, simply respond back to the ticket and we will continue to help you. Please be considerate and patient while we attempt to assist you.

Please do not open multiple tickets on the same issue or your help process will be slowed down and possibly ignored completely.

Always provide your main account domain and username as well as a step-by-step of how to reproduce your problem including any login information that may be needed.

When to use phone support:

Please only call us for help after you have researched possible solutions to your problem on our website. Also, keep in mind that support for serious issues will always require a Support Ticket.


Your web hosting fee was billed automatically on the date of your purchase of a GoPro Hosting plan.
If you wish to cancel, upgrade, update information, get SSL's, IP's or anything else billing related, please contact with your request.

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